Kena Upanisad, translated from Bengali to English with introduction by Gautam Dharmapal


ISBN: 9788188643387, 8188643386

Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan

Subject(s): Veda and Upanisads

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Title: Kena Upanisad, translated from Bengali to English with introduction by Gautam Dharmapal

Author: Anirvan

ISBN 13: 9788188643387

ISBN 10: 8188643386

Year: 2012

Language: English

Pages etc.: 246p., ind., 22cm.

Binding: Hardback

Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan

Subject(s): Veda and Upanisads

It is first volume of Shri Anirvan Upanisad Series. It is the English translation of the third volume of the Upanisad Prasanga Series, written in Bangla by Shri Anirvan and published by the Burdwan University, West Bengal. Kena Upanisad beautifully speaks about the unknowable Brahman and about the subjective and objective ways of its realization through an allegorical story about Gods led by Indra on one side and Yaksa and Uma Haimvati on the other.

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