The Bhagavadgita: An Introductory Analysis

Brajakishore Swain

ISBN: 9788188643554, 8188643556

Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan

Subject(s): Philosophy and Dharmasastra

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Title: The Bhagavadgita: An Introductory Analysis

Author: Brajakishore Swain

ISBN 13: 9788188643554

ISBN 10: 8188643556

Year: 2014

Language: English

Pages etc.: 356pp.,bibl.,ind., 23cm.

Binding: Hardback

Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan

Subject(s): Philosophy and Dharmasastra

The Bhagavadgita holds an assured place among the world's great scriptures. It is one of the most brilliant and pure gems of our ancient sacred books. It would be difficult to find a simpler work in Sanskrit literature or even in all the literature of the world than the Gita, which explains to us in an unambiguous and succinct manner the deep and sacred principles of the sacred science of the Self (Atman), etc.

About Author

Professor (Dr.) Brajakishore Swain (b. 1954) teaches Dharmasastra in the Post-Graduate Department of Dharmasastra, Sri Jaganath Sanskrit University, Puri for the last twenty-four years. He is credited with twenty-five books and more than sixty research papers in Sanskrit, English, Oriya and Hindi. He is a regular columnist of newspapers in Oriya. At present he is the President, Utkal Sanskrit Research Society, Puri; General Secretary, Praci Cult Research Centre, Tulasipur, Puri; and Director, Centre of Advanced Research in Sanskrit, Sri Jagannath Sanskrit University, Puri. He edits Journal of Indology (Sri Jagannath Jyoti), Puri Orientalist and Digdarsini (Quarterly Sanskrit Journal).


It is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, narrated in the Bhisma Parva of the Mahabharata. It comprises eighteen discourses of a total of 701 verses. Sri Krishna, during the course of His most instructive and interesting talk with Arjuna, revealed profound, sublime and soul-searching spiritual truths, and expounded the rare secrets of Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti and Karma.

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