Katha Upanisad

Shri Anirvan

ISBN: 9788188643592, 8188643599

Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan

Subject(s): Veda and Upanisads

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Title: Katha Upanisad

Author: Shri Anirvan

ISBN 13: 9788188643592

ISBN 10: 8188643599

Year: 2016

Language: Bengali, English

Pages etc.: 359p., ind., 22cm

Binding: Hardback

Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan

Subject(s): Veda and Upanisads

This volume is based on the commentary on the Katha Upanisad given by Shri Anirvan during his talks in Calcutta in 1958.

Katha Upanisad holds an important place in Indian philosophy. Though, men know the difference between the preferable good way and the way of pleasures, they generally take to the way of pleasures. In this Upanisad, through the dialogue between Yamaothe god of death and Naciketa, a search has been undertaken to find the way of abstinence (nivrtti) from the way of natural activity (pravrtti). With diligence one can see the great difference between Knowledge and Ignorance, between Virtue (dharma) and Sin (adharma) and one can discover an unknown world where all these differences dissolve, where Truth and Harmony are realized. The real and secret inner truth, the eternal and Universal Dharma is laid in this Supreme Truth. Being pleased with the faith, aspiration and illumined intelligence of Naciketa, Yamaothe deity of Dharma gracefully bestows this Supreme Truth to Naciketa.

The extra-ordinary discussion on Brahman in the Katha-Upanisad is the nerve centre of the spiritual sadhana of India. This discussion about Brahman found in these talks on Katha-Upanisad by Srimat Anirvan will open up new vistas of Truth.

Other Upanisads published under Shri Anirvan Upanisad Series:

1. Kena Upanisad by Anrivan, tr. by Gautam Dharmapal(PB)Rs.225.00
2. Aitareya Upanisad by Anrivan, tr. by Gautam Dharmapal (PB)Rs.250.00
3. Isa Upanisad by Anrivan, tr. by Gautam Dharmapal (PB)Rs.250.00

About Author


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